This will be a place where I can share articles, videos, and podcasts that I think are fascinating and worth your time to check out.  Sharing something here does not mean that I am 100% in agreement with what I share.  It is not necessarily an endorsement of the source.  If something is shared here, it means that I think it is worthwhile for Christians to read, watch, or listen to.  

Week of February 21, 2025 
The Tragedy of IVF by Carl Trueman An important article in light of President Trump's recent executive order. 

Unmanly Anti-Semitism by James Wood A helpful critique of the rise in anti-Semitism, and what's behind it. 

Denominations in an Age of Online Over-Exposure by Trevin Wax This is interesting and thought-provoking.

A shift back to neutral world? What a changing—and less negative—political and social climate means for Christians by Steven Wedgeworth

Week of February 7, 2025

Clearspace. I used to check my Gmail app multiple times a day on my phone. I did it so often my kids noticed and gave me a hard time about it. I tried iPhone’s screentime feature, but I always just ignored its “you’ve reached your limit” notifications. The thing that finally got me to quit the habit was the Clearspace app. It adds a brief delay between when you tap an app icon and when it opens. That little pause has been transformative in curbing my phone use. My iPhone screentime has plummeted. It’s amazing what adding just a bit of friction to our digital habits can do. The delay gives you just enough space to ask yourself, “Do I really need to check my email right now?” Usually, the answer is no. Clearspace recently added a “Push-Up Mode” where you have to do push-ups before the app opens — it uses your phone’s camera and AI to verify you’ve actually done them. Pretty cool!  (summary from Art of Manliness but I can confirm that it is an amazing app!) 

Warning: The Bible Is Not Just a Book by Alastair Roberts "Holy Scripture is not written as a text to be swiftly consumed and digested; you cannot “have read” Holy Scripture, but must always be in the process of reading, rereading, and chewing it over. The skills and habits this reading requires might not only be unfamiliar to many of us, but might often run against the grain of habits that have become second nature to us."

Jesus the Temple by Bill Smith "John’s Gospel is a literary trek through the new Tabernacle or Temple that is Jesus’ body. His allusions to Jesus as the new Temple are evident from the beginning. “The Word” calls up the construction of Solomon’s Temple in 1 Kings. What is translated as “the inner sanctuary” by the ESV is a Hebrew word that seems to be associated with the word “to speak” or its noun form, “word” (1 Kg 6:5, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31; 7:49). This is another name for the Holy of Holies. In John 1:14, the Word becomes flesh and “dwells” among us. The verb “dwells” speaks of pitching a tent or dwelling in a tent. Some have translated it, “tabernacled.” Seeing his glory, the glory that dwells in the Holy of Holies, only fortifies the image..."

Praying into God's Will "What is prayer? Mighty theologian and simple peasant alike have pondered that question. Regardless of station in life, it is the act of praying itself, not thinking or theologizing about praying, that teaches prayer: “Lord. teach us to pray” is answered with “when you pray, say . . .” Even if unarticulated, anyone who has ever uttered an “Our Father” has a theology of prayer."

Week of January 31, 2025

Five Things You Can Control by Jill Noble When faced with a host of interactions with people and situations, what can you control? 

Pursue Wisdom. Worldview Will Follow. Review: ‘Against Worldview’ by Simon P. Kennedy by Alastair Roberts Thought provoking review. I look forward to reading the book. 

Christian Leithart: Do you want a revolution? Sing. A great look at why singing is so fundamental for us and all of life.

Narnia's Secret: The Seven Heavens of the Chronicles Revealed by Michael Ward This is really helpful if you want to understand CS Lewis's the Chronicles of Narnia.

Week of January 17, 2025

Apologist Wesley Huff just gave Joe Rogan and his 14M listeners the clearest explanation of the Gospel Great stuff. Wesley Huff did a great job and his own website has a lot of fantastic resources. 

Dawkin's Gender Dilemma by Carl Trueman  "The simple assertion that “biology is true” sidesteps the critical question of why we should grant biology, particularly that of certain aspects of the human body, such decisive significance in the first place. Christians have an answer. One can dismiss it as a ridiculous one, but one must then replace it with something that fulfills an analogous role." 

25 bold prayers for persecuted Christians in 2025 by Open Doors

Identifying Our Parenting Idols By Kristen Hatton "There are some specific desires that we frequently elevate to idol status that drive our overparenting and under-parenting tendencies. I know from personal experience that it’s hard to uncover what we are worshipping instead of God, but having our sin exposed is good and necessary. God already knows what is in our hearts, and he doesn’t love us any less because of it. His smile remains, his acceptance never wavers. We are also all in the same boat. None of us are exempt from sinful idolatry so I’ll kick this list off by going first with an idol that frequently hijacks my heart and mind."

Week of December 27, 2024
The beginning, the middle, and the end at Christmas: A reminder that our lives are not our own. They are a gift from God by Joe Rigney

The Christmas Story Has Always Been About Power by N.T. Wright "A different kind of kingdom. A different kind of king. And when two of Jesus’ own closest aides ask him for the top jobs in his about-to-be-launched cabinet, he says, with withering scorn, that that’s how the rest of the world may do things, but we’re going to do it the other way. The first will be last and the last first. Greatness is about learning to serve. Jesus’ own pathway to power was to suffer a brutal death on a Roman cross."

 REBUILDING MILWAUKEE'S TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH   This is a 30 minute documentary about the rebuilding of Trinity Lutheran after the fire they had several years ago.

Week of December 20, 2024

Euthanasia Turning Suicidal People into ‘Kill and Harvest’ Natural Resource by Wesley J. Smith A sad, but important article. 

Making the Most of the Holidays with Your Adult Children by Gaye Clark  "It’s been estimated that one in four parents are estranged from at least one adult child. Many parents yearn for their kids to return to the faith in Jesus they have abandoned. Some parents vividly recall an argument over political differences that turned into a shouting match. Many parents would simply long for that Folgers moment: they haven’t seen their adult children come home for Christmas in years..."

The $100,000 Medical Device, Ethics, and the Image of God: Even medical marvels should be grounded in a proper understanding of human value. by John Stonestreet

Leave Church a Little Tired: Serving the Saints on Sunday Morning by Sam Amadi "True, corporate worship indeed will fill us up as we freshly encounter the goodness and glory of God. In that sense, wise Christians come to church to get. But as I explain in our prospective-members class, corporate worship should leave us feeling both encouraged and a little tired. Because, like other areas of church life, corporate worship also is an opportunity to serve."

Week of December 13, 2024

Psalms of Advent by Peter Leithart  "It’s easy to become maudlin and sentimental around Advent and Christmas because we’re surrounded by maudlin and sentimental celebrations of Christmas. When we sing Psalms of Advent, we’ll be reminded again and again that Advent is inherently political.Our desire for the Bridegroom’s arrival is a hunger and thirst for God’s kingdom, and that means a longing for God to come to judge the earth. As Bride, we long for justice. As Bride, we long for the overthrow of the unjust."

What One Chinese Pastor Can Teach You About Suffering Faithfully by Hannah Nation "Wang quietly embodied so much of what I hear Christians in America today trying to figure out: how to be in the world but not of it, how the imagination gives depth and meaning to our faith, how to take seriously the call to serve the poor."

‘Love One Another’: The Best Evangelism Strategy by Lyman Stone This whole article should remind you of what we talked about in our hospitality study. (

The transition to Ambivalent World: A fourth epoch of evangelicalism has emerged from the podcast era by Seth Troutt 

Week of December 6, 2024

The Axe of Advent by Peter Leithart - "Advent isn’t supposed to soothe us. It doesn’t teach us to be stoic in the face of the irreparable damage of the world. It doesn’t teach us to be piously hopeless. Advent celebrates the Creator’s arrival to repair the damage of sin, judging and making new. Advent comforts because it promises final restoration, justice, and peace. Advent encourages us to persevere in trials and injustice because it demonstrates that God has pledged to make all things new. Advent unveils a God so determined to fulfill his purpose that he did not spare his own Son but freely delivered him up for us all."

Modesty Requires Looking Away by Tim Challies "This is something I have been training myself to do in life—to look away from what is not mine to look at. There is so much in life that does not concern me, so much that may draw my eyes or engage my curiosity but is not for me to gaze at or fixate on, not for me to ponder or form opinions about."

The Post-Christian Morality of ‘Wicked’ by Brett McCracken "One of the most noteworthy theological trends in 21st-century pop culture has been the rehabilitation of the “villain.” From Cruella to Maleficent to the Joker and more, iconic villains are now routinely given spinoff movies and sympathetic backstories that complicate our categories of good and evil. This has dovetailed with the rise of the “trauma plot” and a narrative fixation on how destructive choices (let’s just call it “sin”) can be explained by past trauma."

Week of November 29, 2024 

The Good Work of Adoption and the Temporal Consequences of Sin (watch) by Pastor Wolfmueller and Pastor Packer I don't often share the stuff I am doing, but foster care and adoption are very near and dear to my heart.  We discuss it in this episode. 

Flame Raps the Sacraments by Gretchen Ronnevik: Now that he’s Lutheran, the rapper’s music has changed along with his theology.

3 Prayers of Thanksgiving from History by Jonathan W. Arnold, Zachariah M. Carter This is exactly what it says. 

A Confessions for the 21st Century by Josh Herring This is about St. Augustine's Confessions and a new translation by Anthony Esolen. It sounds wonderful. Pick up and read!

Week of November 22, 2024
The perils of press conference theology: When the open-minded, non-judgmental, or politically conscious things you tell your children about childbearing come back to bite you by Hans Fiene

Mugs of Tears by Jon Herr "Cry your tears to God, when the need arises, then fear not. That tear bottle means He’s for you, and it’s a matter of time before He acts..."

Sermon on the Mount (watch) by The Bible Project This is a really great series of short videos on the Sermon on the Mount. 

Week of November 15, 2024
11 Theses on Instagram and the Modern Woman by Samuel James This is an extremely helpful and concise look at Instagram.

The New Heavens and the New Earth: Annihilation or Renewal? by Jack Kilcrease

Repent of Your Piety by Peter Leithart "I want to give a pep talk. Nothing fancy, nothing clever. Jesus makes some astounding promises in Luke 11. I want to clear out the clutter and convince you to believe Him and to act on it..."

Week of November 8, 2024

The Cross and the Machine by Paul Kingsworth A wonderful story of his conversion to Christianity. 

Mental Health: The Missing Piece by Kasey Leander  "Ultimately, Jesus’ words ring out more true than ever: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). The comfort is that he both understands the problem and points us to the answer."

"Infinite Monkey Theorem" receives major blow as scientists prove a monkey could never type out the entire works of Shakespeare Fun story. 

Week of November 1, 2024

Do you need to go to church to be a Christian? by Andy Wright A brief and helpful answer to a question that gets asked a lot. 

Sports and the culture war: The irony that women’s athletics has changed minds about transgender ideology by Carl Trueman Reality seems to be triumphing in this debate, but why did it take sports to get us here?

How Much Should Christians Tithe? by Wayne Grudem Another question that gets asked a lot. He gives a solid answer. 

Week of October 25, 2024
How to Write a Meaningful Card By Dr. Douglas Groothuis Recovering the lost art of sending cards to people.

Why Nobody Has Friends Anymore: "Third spaces” connect people. Go find them! by Shane Morris

Concerning Halloween by James Jordan  A helpful overview of the history of Halloween.

Week of October 18, 2024

Discordia: A Lutheran Seminary Wrecked and Reborn by Korey Maas  This is an excellent historical study of the seminary controversies of the 60s and 70s. 

Watch this young woman explain why she didn't abort her baby after she was told the child wouldn't survive by Harris Rigby   This is really beautiful. It's short and well worth your time.

Stop Whining by Michael Foster  Short and to the point - we all need to hear this.

Week of October 11, 2024 

Three Reminders for Parents of Wayward Children by Jim Newheiser Concise, encouraging, and helpful. 

A Tribute to John W. Montgomery by Michael Horton Dr. Montogomery went to be with the Lord recently. He was a Lutheran apologist who has impacted many around the world.

The Temptation of Boromir by Eric Sammons I really appreciated this look at the temptation we face with the use of power and force. "Boromir’s temptation is the temptation of the Great Western Powers today, particularly America. Like Boromir, we represent the “good guys.” We’re not Mordor or the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. We’re Gondor. Being the good guys, we tend to think that anything we do, as long as it is for our cause, is just. We can and should wield powerful forces—often more powerful than we like to admit—to advance Democracy and Freedom."

Week of October 4, 2024 

The Enchanted Realism of "All Creatures Great and Small": An Essay on Television's Best Show by Owen Strachan 

Curved in Upon Ourselves by Brad Littlejohn "Failure to honor God leads to mental darkness, which leads to idolatry, which leads to a debased mind, which leads to corrupt actions, which leads to a disordered moral vision, and so on. Do people behave like beasts because they treat God like a creature, or do they treat God like a creature because they want to behave like beasts? Yes."

The Bugenhagen Option by Gregory Sorderberg "Johannes Bugenhagen (1485-1558) is a neglected Lutheran reformer who has much to teach the contemporary church about how to impact both church and culture. Bugenhagen was a tireless administrator and implementer who focused on four main goals: worship, education, government, and social welfare. In these ways, Bugenhagen does not give us another, completely distinct, option. However, his life and ministry united many of the concerns and emphases of both the Benedict and Boniface options."

Week of September 27, 2024
Killing Sexual Sins by Bill Smith "The problem is only in the sexual alphabet soup. Heterosexual sin remains a problem. One pornography site dwarfs visits to Amazon by seven hundred million more visits. When you throw in the sexually explicit content on social media, the numbers are staggering. The church isn’t helping much. Half of professing Christians in the U.S. say that casual sex between consenting adults is sometimes or always acceptable."

The Dangers of Getting Ahead by Garrett Soucy "Be careful when everything is going well. Be careful with praise and with compliments. The righteous man should not be taken off-guard when he encounters them."

The Cup of the Adulteress: Understanding the Jealousy Ritual of Numbers 5 by Allastair Roberts This is an excellent look at a very difficult and confusing passage in the book of Numbers.

Writing Prayers for Others by Kenneth Berding This was brought up in Bible class on Sunday. This is an encouragement to write prayers for others.

Week of September 20, 2024
10 Ideas for Better Conversations by Ed Welch This ties in nicely with our theme of hospitality. 

Hang 10 Movement - This has some advice for Christians (individuals and families) on how to deal with all the technology in our lives.

"If One Member Suffers...": How the body of Christ can bear one another's burdens in a technological age by Brad Littlejohn 

Week of September 13, 2024
The Church’s Role in Ending Human Trafficking by Rebecca Sachaj  The article and the book it is referencing are fantastic.

iThink Therefore iAm by Brad Littlejohn Technology’s transformation of human existence is rendering conservatism irrelevant

Beyond Triumph: Chesterton and Tolkien on How to Fight a Losing Battle and Still Win by Eugene Terekhin  “The one perfectly divine thing, the one glimpse of God’s paradise given on earth, is to fight a losing battle — and not lose it.” Chesterton.

A Sycamore Tree, A Car Crash, And God’s Provision by Seth Lewis "When we think of God’s providential provision for his children, we often think in immediate terms—the unexpected financial gift that comes on the day the bill is due, the odds-defying recovery, or the new job starting right when the severance pay ended. These kinds of immediate interventions are marvellous. They should lead us to praise and give thanks to the God who gives them. But we should also be ready to see that many of God’s provisions are prepared for us long before our needs arise."

Week of September 6, 2024
Viewers vs. Doers: The Rise of Spectatoritis by Brent and Kate McKay An extremely helpful look at the problem of having a society of spectators instead of a society of doers. 

Lost in Neverland: Parents determined to never grow up and live vicariously through their kids by Brad Littlejohn "A recent New York Times article chronicled the plights of American families who feel compelled to go into debt to offer their children—or themselves—regular Disney vacations. The feature led off with a Connecticut couple in their late 30s who earn $250,000 a year but had to pile up debt to take their first child, age 2, for the Disney experience that had been an annual ritual for them since 2015. We should not judge anyone too harshly based on a Times profile, but there are several problems with this picture..."

In, With, and Under: Sacramental Union, Not Transubstantiation by Jack Kilcrease "Holy Scripture clearly affirms the substantial presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper. Yet, throughout the history of the Church, theologians have explained this presence in different ways. In Western Christendom before the Reformation, transubstantiation became the standard doctrine. The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 dogmatized transubstantiation as official and infallible Church teaching. The Council of Trent reaffirmed transubstantiation after the Reformation was underway..."

Week of August 30, 2024

Sinning Naked: Double the Exposure, Double the Shame by Adam McIntosh "Sexual sins are perhaps the most shame-inducing sins experienced by Christians and non-Christians alike. All sins can bring shame, but sexual sins are deeply personal and affect us in profound ways. For example, adultery leaves its victim devastated by betrayal; porn addiction leaves men feeling gross, pathetic, and lazy; losing your virginity can break the heart of your future spouse. These are just a few reasons why God wants us to save sex for marriage—because sexual sin hurts. It hurts you and it hurts others."

The Five Faces of Anger by Bill Smith "God’s mission is for us to build the world so that it looks like his heavenly throne room. Sinful anger hamstrings that mission because before we can build anything else in the world, we must have the fundamental culture of heaven that begins with peace and trust."

Why We Fail at Family Devotions by Tim Challies "Look, family devotions is a sweet and simple habit, a sweet and simple discipline. It is called family devotions not only because it is a gathering of the family, but because it is meant to be by and for your family. Make sure you allow your family devotions to reflect the uniqueness of your family. Make them your own, and do them for the good of your family and the glory of God. Mostly, just do them."


Week of August 23, 2024

On Women's Ordination: 4 Critical Questions by Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller A helpful video on a controversial topic. 

How to be pro-life in a pro-abortion world by Brad Littlejohn I found this to be extemely helpful, and is the approach I recommend.

Week of August 16, 2024

Walking through the Valley by Mark Hein This site has a variety of resources for Christians facing death or dealing with the death of a loved one. Pastor Hein was my vicarage supervisor and is a faithful pastor.

Seven Encouragements for Parents of Prodigals by John Piper  These are truly encouraging. 

The Plot to Queer Evangelical Churches by Megan Basham This is eye opening. 

Week of August 9, 2024

An Introduction to Biblical Genealogies by James Bejon Extremely helpful! 

Christ’s Offices and the Foundational Nature of Substitutionary Atonement by Jack Kilcrease This shows how Christ's offices of prophet, priest, and king relate to His death on the cross for us.

Lutheran Identity and the Mission of the Gospel by Rick Stuckwisch  Lutheran identity and the Mission of the Gospel are not things that should be opposed to each other but that beautifully work together. 

Week of August 2, 2024

Lessons from Watership Down: What Rabbits Can Teach the Church by Christian Leithart This is a really great article with some surprising insights.

Did Paul Endorse Slavery? (1 Timothy 6) by Denny Burk A very helpful look at what can be a confusing topic. 

Paris Olympics and the Fall by Uri Brito A concise explanation of some things wrong with the opening ceremony of the Olympics. 

Week of July 19, 2024

Psalm Sheets on Every Psalm This is a project I helped with. It is a one page summary of every Psalm.  They would be useful for your personal or home devotions. 

Why Doesn’t Paul Quote Jesus? by Ralph Allan Smith  Paul does quote Jesus but not very much, why?  This is an extremely helpful article in helping you to understand some things that are going on in the New Testament and in Paul. 

The Eucharist as Embodied Gospel by Jack Kilcrease A beautiful look at the Lord's Supper. 


Week of July 12, 2024

Men Should Read Fiction by Uri Brito This is quite short but quite helpful. 

Forgiveness & Healing by Bill Smith This is excellent.  The relationship between forgiveness and the consequence of sins is important to understand.

A Chaste and Decent Life by Joel Biermann A good summary of an important phrase from the Small Catechism. 

Christ’s Substantial Presence in the Eucharist According to Scripture by Jack Kilcrease This is a beautiful summary of our teaching on Christ's presence in the Holy Supper. 

Week of July 5, 2024

On ‘That Hideous Strength’: Christian Community, the Gate to All Good Adventure by Pastor Kevin Martin  This is a good introduction to one of my favorite books. 

I DON’T HAVE AN LGBTQ NEIGHBOR - AND NEITHER DO YOU by Rosario Butterfield This is a very helpful look at something all of us are facing these days. 

"The patience of Job" by Anthony Esolen A brief look at Biblical patience. 

Week of June 28, 2024

A Thousand Wheels of Providence by Doug Eaton An excellent analogy for helping trust God in difficult times. 

The Threefold Purpose of Lutheran Education by Pastor Stuckwisch A fantastic summary of why Lutheran education is so important.

How to Support the Caregivers in Your Church by Simonetta Carr  A good reminder of how the church can help care for those who spend so much time caring for others. 

Week of June 21, 2024
Atheist gives a brilliant reason why God and the laws of science are NOT competing explanations. This is a very brief video (one minute). 

How I Respond to Pride Month by Alan Shlemon  Good practical advice. 

The Golden Rule for Hard Conversations by Casey McCall Some advice on when to have those hard conversations. 


Week of June 14, 2024 
How to Read a Book: Advice for Christian Readers by Andrew David Naselli This is a fantastic book. I highly recommend it for every Christian and every Christian family. 

Does Bach’s Music Prove the Existence of God? by Trevin Wax A helpful overview of how beauty in the world proves the existence of the one true God.

Typology’s Logic: Chekov’s Gun & Bible Interpretation by Christopher Kou This is an excellent overview to learn on how to read the Bible well.

Week of May 31, 2024
Dispelling Hospitality Excuses by Randy Booth A helpful look at the excuses we make and how to overcome them. 

What Does Radically Ordinary Hospitality Look Like? by Rosario Butterfield   The importance of hospitality for the Christian home. 

King Crimson – my thoughts on that portrait by Chris Green  This is an interesting take on the new portrait of King Charles. 

Week of May 24, 2024

The Great Rewiring of Childhood: Book Review by Tim Challies "It aptly shows how technology and overprotection have combined to both shape and harm an entire generation. Encouragingly, it also provides clear and well-informed instructions for parents and other adults that can help today’s young people escape the system and live healthier lives. I recommend the book and its instructions to anyone, but especially to parents."

That Time Paul Gave Timothy a Quote from Luke’s Gospel: Reflecting on the Significance of 1 Timothy 5:18 by Mitch Chase  A good reminder that Paul would have had access to at least three of the Gospels (especially if, as many are realizing, all were written much earlier than scholars want to admit).

Before foster care: Preserving families and keeping kids out of foster care  This is a really good article on a complex issue. 

Week of May 17, 2024

Do Our Prayers Change Anything? by Jason Lane We discussed this recently in Bible Study and in some sermons. This is a helpful look at the issue.

The Gateway Drug to Post-Christian Paganism by Carl Trueman Learning some important things from Lutherans in Nazi Germany - from those who got it right and those who got it wrong. 

7 Questions That Teens Need to Answer by Paul David Tripp  This is a great list of questions for the teens in your life to wrestle with. 

Week of May 10, 2024

A Christian’s Perspective on Artificial Intelligence by Dustin Ryan This is a very balanced and helpful look at AI. 

In Jesus' Name by Roy Askins A helpful look at praying in the name of Jesus. 

"God had his hands on the pastor": Man's gun JAMS as he attempts to shoot Pennsylvania preacher. Watch the video. Simply Amazing. 

Lutheran Life Survey by Lyman Stone You may find this survey interesting and even helpful to better understanding some trends in the LCMS.

Week of April 26, 2024

Want to Grow in Hospitality? Start with Your Inner Circle This is a wonderful article on hospitality. 

Fiction as a Means of Grace? By Pastor Eric Andræ This is a very helpful article highlighting the importance of fiction for Christians.  He has a very helpful resource list at the end of it. 

Peter Scaer on the Third Use of the Law  This is a compilation of several posts by Dr. Peter Saer on the Third Use of the Law in the life of the Christian.

Week of April 19, 2024

Faith of Our Fathers Conference: The Law of God is Good and Wise.  Even if you missed the conference we hosted, all of the videos will be posted here.

Simulation as Inoculation by Garrett Soucy The importance of speaking face-to-face in a digital world. 

What to Expect When a Loved One Enters Hospice by Kathryn Butler This is a very helpful overview of hospice care. 

Week of April 12, 2024
Cohabitation Hurts More Than a Couple by Joshua Hayes  This article is fantastic - a must read for all Christians. 

What about the Abused Spouse’s Sin? by Nate Brooks  This is helpful in considering different types of sins and catalysts for sin.

Young Women Are Leaving Church in Unprecedented Numbers  by Daniel A. Cox and Kelsey Eyre Hammond  This will be important to watch. We also need to be aware that this is probably happening among young women we know. 

Week of April 5, 2024
God Gone Silent by Peter Leithart A beautiful reflection on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. I know it's a week a late but it is still worth your time.

A Christian revival is under way in Britain by Justin Brierley Pray for Great Britain.

Heartbreaking Deception: Teen Girls, Social Media, and Body Image by Andrea Lee This is really important for anyone with teen girls in their lives. 

Week of March 29, 2024

She Saw Her Daughter in the Toilet by Peter Heck This is a must read about the over the counter abortion drug that is being debated at the Supreme Court.  Lord have mercy!

In Your Face: Apple’s friction eliminators want to get under your skin. by John Fechtel  This is a fascinating look at where wearable technology is headed and what it means for us. 

How Lutheran Hymns Train for Martyrdom: Meditation on Jesus' Wounds by Karl Hess This article shows just how important faithful hymns are in training us in the faith.

Week of March 22, 2024 

How Christians Should Think About IVF-Created Embryos by Joe Carter Joe Carter does a good job of walking us through a complex issue that is caused by our desire to use technology even when we shouldn't. 

WATCH: Top OnlyFans creator making $300,000 a month turns to Christ, walks away from porn industry The light of the Gospel can shine brightly even in the darkest of places. 

Jesus Did Not Pray to Avoid the Cross at Gethsemane by James Rogers This is a thought provoking look at Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.  What was Jesus praying? Why?  I think the article makes a good case that is worth thinking about and wrestling with.
