
Good Shepherd has a large group of members who volunteer in our church. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please contact our Church Secretary Rachel Pennington at churchoffice@gslcs.org or call 618-344-3151.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Greeters Needed - We are in need of greeters for all weekend worship services. If you are interested in serving, please contact Jennifer Buchanan at BuchanJL@gmail.com or 618-580-3150.

Vacation Bible School - We are looking for individuals to help make our Celebrate the Savior Vacation Bible School a success. Visit https://vbsmate.com/GSLCSVBS to register as a volunteer, or contact Jennifer Buchanan or Rachel Forden at vbsgslc@gslcs.org


Additional Areas of Service

Spirit of Sharing Meals - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Usher at Weekend Services - mhoffman@gslcs.org

Acolytes - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Altar Guild - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Adult Choir - Contact Zach Stegman at zstegman@gslcs.org.

Instrumentalists - Contact Zach Stegman at  zstegman@gslcs.org

Babysitting - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Light Maintenance & Landscaping - mhoffman@gslcs.org

Christian Outreach - buchanjl@gmail.com

Congregational Dinners - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Member Visitation - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Children's Bible Study (Sunday School) -  churchoffice@gslcs.org

Junior High and High School Youth - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Fifth & Sixth Grade Youth -  zstegman@gslcs.org

Vacation Bible School - buchanjl@gmail.com

Office Helpers - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Blood Drives - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Braille Volunteer - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Food Pantry - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Meals on Wheels - churchoffice@gslcs.org

Visiting Shut-ins - churchoffice@gslcs.org

You are welcome to fill out our Volunteer Ministry Survey and return to the church office. Someone will contact you to help you with your volunteer interests.


