Life Team

Sunday – Just as … I AM From Fertilization to Forever (A Gospel-Motivated Foundation)
Monday – Just as … I AM In Terminal Diagnosis
Tuesday – Just as … I AM Surviving and Thriving
Wednesday – Just as … I AM In Surprise Pregnancy
Thursday – Just as … I AM with Courage and Compassion
Friday – Just as … I AM as Male or Female
Saturday – Just as … I AM for Blessing and Service

You can find resources, including videos, at this link for every day of the week.



For many years, on or around the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, Belleville Area Right to Life (BARTL) hosted an annual full-page or larger “signature ad” in the Belleville News Democrat. This year, pro-life volunteers in the Metro-East, working in conjunction with Coalition Life, plan to resurrect that ad on Sunday, June 25th, the day after the anniversary of the Dobbs decision. While Dobbs allowed many states to become abortion free or severely restrict abortion, Illinois instead put out the ‘welcome mat’ to become an abortion destination for others as well as our own residents. Therefore, it is an appropriate time for those in Southwestern Illinois who defend the Right to Life, to stand together. This ad will be a full-page in the Sunday, June 25th edition of the Belleville News Democrat, both in print and on-line. It will be composed of the names of individuals, families, organizations, churches, priests and pastors, physicians and RNs, elected officials, and businesses, all listed in columns under this banner:

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY STATE AND BELIEVE: • That our nation was founded on the core principle that all Americans are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”, and that first among these is the right to “Life”; • That medical science clearly proves that the instant a human egg combines with a human sperm cell, a new, unique, human life begins; • That the unborn, should therefore be considered “persons” in not just some, but in all situations; and • That one year after the Dobbs Supreme Court decision returned to individual states the power to regulate or outlaw abortion, we vow to witness to these truths above, to stand for and defend all unborn human life, and to work tirelessly to make abortion unthinkable and illegal in the State of Illinois. Would you please join us by adding your name to those who stand for Life in Illinois? Please do so ASAP. Deadline to be included in the ad is June 13, 2023.

For more information, checkout the informational letter.


Good Shepherd is Life-Affirming. As Christ's Church we do not endorse or promote candidates or parties. We are neither Republican or Democrat. However, we do speak out on issues. Illinois has become a destination for people seeking abortions. Faithful organizations of many different backgrounds, not just Lutheran, have ramped up their efforts to provide alternatives to abortion. Praise be to God, there are many crisis pregnancy centers in Illinois that provide help for mothers and their pre-born and newborn children. Yet, there is legislation currently being debated and voted on in our state house that would make it difficult, and even illegal to provide this help without also offering the damaging option of abortion: SB 1909. We encourage you to pray. If you are so moved, please contact your representative. Remember, we don't elect "leaders." We elect people to represent us. Respectfully, make your point of view heard. As a church we will continue to stand up for the lives of helpless babies and their mothers. We love both. We will also continue to put our money where our mouth is by supporting faithful crisis pregnancy centers that offer the LIFE-giving help. We also proclaim Christ's love and mercy to those who are devastated by past decisions. If you wonder, "Does God still love me?" He does! You need look no further than Jesus on His cross. This is His love for you. His forgiveness is your healing. - Pastor Tim Sims


ABORTION PILLS - How much do you know?

Abortion Pills have been in the news recently as the FDA is now allowing pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS to fill prescriptions for these dangerous drugs. The latest statistics indicate that 55% of abortions are a result of the abortion pill.

Although this method of abortion is advertised as quick, easy, and relatively painless, as many as 1 in every 17 women have serious complications. The complications increase if these pills are taken after 10 weeks of pregnancy. This is most concerning since many women don't know how many weeks along they are in their pregnancy. Add to that, a prescription can be obtained through telemedicine with no ultrasound to verify the age of the preborn baby.

An excellent docuseries, This is Chemical Abortion, produced by Charlotte Pence Board in partnership with Heartbeat International and Students for Life includes four short videos featuring pro-life physicians:

Episode 1: What are Chemical Abortion Pills (9 min)

Episode 2: The Risks of Chemical Abortion Pills (9:30 min)

Episode 3: Reversing Abortion Pills (9:30 min)

Episode 4: What the Abortion Industry Tells Women (11:15 min)


Past Events

40 Days for Life

The prayer vigil of 40 days is a powerful witness to the dignity of every human life. Participants sign a “Statement of Peace” with a pledge that they will conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner. The date for the local 40 Days of Life campaign this fall was Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to pray outside of Planned Parenthood, Fairview Heights.

Lutherans For Life Essay Contest Entries

The Lutherans For Life Council of Federation Presidents sponsors an essay contest each year for students in two grade categories: 6-8 and 9-12. This contest is available for students in all states who attend a Lutheran school or a Lutheran church.

State essay contests precede the national essay contest. State essay winners in the two grade categories will be entered into the national contest. One of Good Shepherd's students won the Essay Contest on the State Level and went on to win first place on the National Level!

Checkout some of the GSLS students' essay submissions below.

A Blessed End: Euthanasia Is Not the Answer
A Valued Life
Abortion is Not a Blessing
Everyone Deserves Life
Everyone Has a Purpose on This Earth
Life By Adoption
Lives of Unborn Babies
The Blessing of Life
The Elderly Have Purpose in Life
What Does God Say About Abortion?

MOSAIC Fundraiser

Blythe Poston spoke at Bible Class on Sunday, July 31st. Blythe has had the pleasure of being a part of Mosaic’s staff for the last 13 years. During that time, she has spoken to over 6,000 students through Mosaic’s school outreach program, helped raise over 2.5 million dollars for the ministry as the Director of Development, and, since 2015, has served as the Communications Director, bringing awareness to Mosaic’s mission of meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of women and men seeking pregnancy and health services in order to save lives and transform people. Blythe resides in Maryville with her husband, Ryan, and two children, Blayne and River. 

This presentation kicked off the Million Dollar Grant Fundraiser sponsored by the Life Team. Donations will be accepted through August 31. A box has been placed in the narthex for donations.


40 Days for Life - Help Save Lives! 

     We joined the ranks of one million in 8,028 campaigns across 64 nations for this peaceful, life-saving campaign. 
     With God's help, 40 Days for Life has witnessed 18,816 babies saved from abortion, 211 abortion worker conversions and 110 closed abortion centers.  
     Good Shepherd stood in prayer on Saturday, March 12, 2022, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., at Planned Parenthood Fairview Heights, 317 Salem Place, Fairview Heights IL. 


How the Life Team Helped Older Adult Members Have a Merry Christmas.

     Christmas is a wonderful and special time of year for many people—especially for all of us in the body of Christ. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus in churches filled with singing, poinsettias, decorated trees and candles. Christmas is time for families.    

     So, in the month of December the Life Team remembered those of our church family that are older. They held an Older Adult Dinner on Friday, December 10, at 11:30 a.m. 

     Also, with the help of resources from Thrivent, they had Christmas goodie bags for the home bound. The Life Team packed gifts in decorated Christmas bags, added a label with the recipient’s name and address and placed them in the narthex on December 4, for congregational members to deliver. Some bags had no names. Those were to take to an older homebound friend or neighbor. The church members helped show love and caring by taking a bag and bringing joy to one of our home bound members.

     Take a look at the pictures below for a snapshot from these fun activities!

Past Events

The 40 Days of Life Campaign is an effort to pray for and bring awareness to the gift of life. Good Shepherd will be participating by standing at the Planned Parenthood facility in Fairview Heights March 21 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. You can volunteer for a two hour period to pray. 



Our Life Team is sponsoring a group to see the movie "Unplanned" at the Edwardsville AMC on Saturday, April 6th at 7:40 p.m. The cost is $13.50.



We are taking the youth bus to Springfield for the Pro-Life Rally on Wednesday, March 20th. We have room for fifteen passengers. Please call the church office at 344-3151 if you would like to attend.


Special Project: Blessing Bags

The Youth Bible Study and Life Team could use your help preparing Blessing Bags for the Homeless. Bring items to the connecting hallway & by the Sunday School Office.  Suggested items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, band-aids, wet-wipes, granola bars, trail mix, cheese crackers, tuna fish package kits, fruit cups, packaged jerky, protein bars, socks, Chapstick, combs, Kleenex, lotions, Hot Hands.  




The Life Team works to promote and protect God's gift of life for everyone from the unborn to the aged. They sponsor special speakers and projects for our congregtion and community. If you would like to know more about the Life Team, contact

Good Shepherd is a Life-Affirming church. We pray intentionally that human life will be cherished at every stage of life, regardless of circumstances.

For those who have had an abortion...there is Word of Hope 888-217-8679


Lutherans for Life of Illinois


High-Risk pregnancies:

Are you or a friend going through a high-risk pregnancy? If you need information or a friendly ear, our Life Team is here to walk with you. Contact


American Association of Pro-Life OB GYNs 

BJC Perinatal Hospice Services

Cardinal Glennon Fetal Institute

Women's Care Connect

Good Shepherd Life Team:

To reach Good Shepherd Pastor Michael Walther or contact the church office at:

Psalm 139:13-16 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.


Sarah St. Onge is a Christian wife, mother, and writer. She writes about child-loss, grief, and issues pertaining to continuing a pregnancy after a lethal anomaly has been diagnosed, at

Aborting Disabled Babies is Genocide. So Why Is It Legal?


The following website is for Lutherans For Life Christian Medical Directives & Christian Life Resources. You can register to receive the information.
