


Ecclesiastes is most likely the memoir of Solomon's futile efforts to find happiness on earth without God. It is surprising that the one to whom God gave a "listening heart,"* apparently, for a time, forgot about God. Nevertheless, he did return to God, and rediscovered the truth that life should be enjoyed as a gift from God. Ecclesiastes shows us that it is empty, vain, and useless to pursue happiness either by dissipation (partying) or by diligence (hard work) if either is done without faith in God. 

* In 1 Kings 3.9 Solomon asked for an "understanding heart," which, in Hebrew, is "a listening heart."

Simple Outline

1.1-11 The Futility of All Human Endeavor (without God)

1.12-6.9 The Futility of Human Achievement (without God)

6.10-11.6 The Limitations of Human Wisdom

11.7-12.14 Enjoying Life by Fearing God

Chapter Summaries

01) All is vanity. There is no profit in man’s labor. Generations come and go. The sun rises and sets. The wind blows south, then north. The rivers flow continually into the sea. Our senses are never satisfied. There is nothing new under the sun. The author is “The Preacher, king over Israel in Jerusalem. In much wisdom is sorrow.

02) He tried mirth, wine, productivity, acquiring servants, herds, flocks, silver, gold, singers, and musical instruments. He became great. Yet all was vanity. Wisdom exceeds folly, but what happens to the fool happens to the wise. He hated labor because he would have to leave it to another. Nevertheless, it is good to eat, drink and enjoy labor. This was from the hand of God. The fool ends up giving to the one who is good before God. This is also vanity.

03) Everything has a time. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He put eternity in our hearts.  Nothing is better than to rejoice and do good and enjoy the good of his labor as a gift of God. Men should fear God. There is injustice, but God will judge. Men die like the animals and has no advantage over them.

04) He laments the oppressed. The dead are better off. It is even better to have never lived. Grasping for the wind to get a little more is vanity. Being alone is a misfortune. Two are better than one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. An old, foolish king is replaced by a wise youth. Yet he will also be forgotten.

05) Approach God to hear. Let your words be few. Pay your vows. There is corruption in government. Goods may increase, but so do responsibilities. We are born with nothing, and we die with nothing. We should enjoy our labor and its fruit as a gift of God. “God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart.”

06) He laments that God’s gifts are only enjoyed in this life. A stillborn child is better than a man who is forgotten. The more words, the more vanity. “Who can tell man what will be after him under the sun?”

07) Mourning is better than feasting because it can make us wise. Better the rebuke of the wise than the song of fools. God makes both prosperity and adversity. Do not be overly wise or wicked. No one is righteous. He searched folly and foolishness. A woman whose heart is snares is worse. He found one man in a thousand but not a woman (?). God made man upright, but they sought out many schemes.

08) Wisdom makes a man’s face shine. Obey the king. No one has power over death. Sometimes men rule over men to their own hurt. It is well with those who fear God. It is not well for the wicked. There is nothing better than to “eat, drink, and be merry.” Man cannot understand all the work of God.

09) The righteous and wise and their works are in the hand of God. Yet one thing happens to all. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Live joyfully with your wife in your vain life. Work with your might.

10) Folly with wisdom is like dead flies in perfume. Wisdom brings success. The fools words become raving madness. Profligacy and laziness destroy.

11) Cast your bread upon the waters… Do your best in life and trust God for the outcome. From youth walk in the ways of the LORD.

12) Remember the LORD when you are young - before you grow old. Fear God and keep His commandments. God will judge every work.
