Prayers for Children

Children are a wonderful blessing from the Lord. They need our protection, our love, and especially teaching. We hope the following resources and prayers will help all parents, grandparents, baptismal sponsors and special friends to help the children they love.

Why Baptize Your Children? (Download)

Lord Jesus, thank You for the child(ren) that You have given me. You said, "Let the little children come to Me" (Matthew 19.14). Help me to bring my child(ren) to You in Baptism and in teaching them everything You want them to learn - especially the need for repentance and the forgiveness that You give us through Your life, death and resurrection. Help me bring them to worship and children's Bible classes and to pray with them. Help me show them Your love through my life and the example that I set before them. Watch over them and protect them from all harm and danger. Give me wisdom to know what is best for them and how to take care of them. All this I ask in Your name. Amen. 
