This sermon series from the summer of 2019 is based on seven short prayers. God has high expectations for His people, but the three enemies of faith (sinful flesh, sinful world, and Satan) make it not only difficult but impossible to do what the Lord wants us to do. The great news is that everything that God asks of us He also promises to give to us. These sermons are designed to help you remember to ask God for the things He wants to give us.
Jesus, Help Me Listen: “If you continue in My word, you are my disciples indeed, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8.32). This is the first in a series of sermons entitled "Jesus, Help Me." In this first sermon, we know that we ask God for help in many situations. But do we listen to His answer?
Jesus, Help Me Repent: “Turn Thou me, and I shall be turned” (Jeremiah 31.38). All good things begin when we listen to God's word. One of the first things that word will do is to call us to repentance. How can we repent?
Jesus, Help Me Believe: “Lord, I believe. Help Thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9.24). At first, believing might seem like an easy thing. But when the enemies of faith bear down upon us, we need a prayer to remain steadfast in our faith.
Jesus, Help Me Give Thanks: “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5.18). This ist the prayer we most often forget. But God will help us remember.
Jesus, Help Me Understand: “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths” (Psalm 25.4) As we move beyond the basics of the Christian faith - especially our repentance and believing, God wants us to understand His word and His will. He will help us with all that we need to understand.
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Jesus, Help Me Obey: “Revive me according to Your lovingkindness, So that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth” (Psalm 119.88). Understanding God's will doesn't always mean we will do it. This next prayer lookds for God's help in keeping His word.
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Jesus, Help Me Teach: “Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you” (Psalm 51.13). This sermon brings us full circle. If God wants us to listen, then He also wants us to teach so others can listen.
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