Youth Confirmation

All seventh and eighth grade youth are invited to participate in our confirmation Bible classes. Confirmation is our affirmation of faith that we make prior to particpating in Holy Communion. 

The pastors teach confirmation classes in our Christian school. For youth who do not attend our school, we offer a special class on Tuesday nights. 

The classes focus on the basic teachings of the Christian faith according to the Bible and Martin Luther's Small Catechism (Ten Commandments, Apostles' Creed, Lord's Prayer, Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion). 

At the end of these two years of study and regular worship, students are invited to profess their faith publicly in the rite of confirmation. 

If you are interested in participating in Youth Confirmation, please contact Pastor Packer at or by calling the church office at 618-344-3151. 


Confirmation Videos

The Ten Commandments

First Commandment: Video 
Second Commandment: Video 


Third Commandment:  Video
Fourth Commandment:  Video 
Commandments 5-6:  Video
Commandments 7-10 Video 


The First Article of the Apostles' Creed

The Miracle of Creation Video
The Problems of Evolution: Video


The Second Article of the Apostles' Creed

Who Is Jesus?  Video 
How Are We Saved? Video 


The Third Article of the Apostles' Creed

How Can I Believe? Video
What Is the Church? Video 


Holy Baptism

What Is Holy Baptism? Video


Confession and Absolution

Confession Video
Office of the Keys Video 


Holy Communion

What Is Holy Communion?  Video
What Is A Pastor? Video 


The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer Video








Confirmation Covenant

Weekly Class Schedule

Learning by Heart Passages

Learning by Heart Flash Cards

How to Take Sermon Notes

How to Acolyte

Martin Luther's Small Catechism Online

Explanation to Martin Luther's Catechism

Testimony Helps

Profession of Faith Service Questions



National Sex Education Standards Brochure

This brochure is designed to help parents with the way sexual education is being taught in our public schools. All parents should pay attention to this. Our government is now teaching sinful approaches to sexual morality. 




